‘Lovely Runner’ faced a 3-year production delay?
Times of India -

The latest sensation gripping the hearts of viewers is none other than the drama ‘Lovely Runner’. The storyline, which follows a devoted fan's journey back in time to rescue her idol from a tragic fate, only to discover a deeper connection as childhood sweethearts, has struck a chord with viewers, winning over hearts across the globe. In the drama, Byun Wook Seok takes on the role of Ryu Seon Jae, a renowned top star deeply enamored with his childhood neighbor for over a decade, having once...

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More from Times of India | production delay Lovely Runner Kim Hye Yoon casting challenges Byun Wook Seok 'Lovely Runner' drama Byun Woo Seok fan-idol romance Ryu Seon Jae Byeon Woo-seok tvN Korean drama