Thomas Massie exposes Mike Johnson’s three big betrayals
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U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) joined me on my show earlier this week for a lively chat about House Speaker Mike Johnson’s three disastrous betrayals to the Republican Party and why he needs to resign. Here is an edited transcript of our discussion.Thomas Massie: Let’s talk about the three big betrayals that we’ve seen in the last few weeks. The first was the omnibus. It was bigger than any omnibus that Nancy Pelosi passed. It got a majority of Democrats and got only a minority of Republicans...

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More from TheBlaze | opinion thomas massie mike johnson republican party resignation omnibus border funding fisa warrant provision tie vote foreign aid ukraine motion to vacate uni-party resignation call conservative values power struggle daniel horowitz squishes squishing uniparty rino Opinion Thomas massie Mike johnson Republican party Resignation Omnibus Border funding Fisa Warrant provision Tie vote Foreign aid Ukraine Motion to vacate Uni-party Resignation call Conservative values Power struggle Daniel horowitz Squishes Squishing Uniparty Rino